FAQ for the Driver

Frequently asked questions for drivers

How iTaxi works

There are two billing models to choose from:
1. Percentage model – you pay only for the completed order, depending on the city, 15% or 18% (taped drivers) or 20% (un-taped drivers) of the gross amount of the course completion.
2. Subscription-percentage model – you pay a subscription of 400 or 649 and a reduced commission for the completed order of 5% or 10% depending on the city.

Is it necessary to have your own car and a taximeter?

No. You do not need to own your own car along with a taximeter. You can, of course, cooperate with us on your own armed car with a taximeter as part of your own business. We can also equip you with both the car and the necessary equipment. You don’t even need to have your own company and license.
We will help you with everything.

Conditions to be met to become a cab driver:

To become a self-employed cab driver you must have:
a) at least 21 years of age,
b) driving license cat. B,
c) own business activity with PKD code 49.32.Z – passenger cab business,
d) a license to perform national road transport in the field of passenger cab service issued by the Office of the relevant City,
e) current certificate of no criminal record,
f) current medical and psychotechnical examination,
g) a car armed with a taximeter and cash register and marked according to the requirements of the city concerned.
h) appropriate technical examination of the vehicle confirmed by the notation “TAXI” in the registration certificate and appropriate insurance for the vehicle.

Remember that you do not need to establish your own company to start cooperation with us. You can cooperate with us on the basis of a copy of our Partner’s license along with a car rented from him. Your good intentions are enough, we will arrange the rest of the formal matters with you.

How much can you earn in iTaxi?

It depends on you. Earnings are affected by the time of availability in our system, the condition of the car, the rate, and the quality of customer service, among other things.

Is it possible to work for iTaxi and a corporation at the same time?

Yes, working with us can be considered both as a permanent or additional source of income. We do not impose limits, but the greater the time of availability in our application, the greater the number of completed orders.

How many drivers are currently in a city?

The number of drivers in iTaxi is growing day by day. We are currently recruiting throughout Poland. For detailed information, please call: 22 439 00 77 from 9 am to 5 pm.

How do you account for cashless courses?

Billing documents including an invoice are sent to the Driver at the end of the month. Payment of the invoice is made within 7 days of its issuance.
However, the Driver has the option to make payments on demand using the Symmetrical application. The Symmetrical application allows the Driver to independently execute the transfer of payment of wages due at any time. The application is integrated with iTaxi systems so the due funds can be collected within minutes after the course, without waiting for the settlement and transfer after the end of the month.

What are the ways to order a cab?

In iTaxi, a cab can be ordered in 4 ways – using:
a) a customer app on a mobile device (iOS, Android, HUAWEI),
b) a switchboard available 24/7,
c) a business panel for voucher customers,
d) by boarding at one of our dedicated stops.

Does the driver have to drive a certain number of hours?

We do not impose limits that a driver must make, but the greater the time of availability in our application, the greater the number of completed orders and the higher the status when the algorithm issues orders (scoring position).

Is it necessary to sign a contract?

Yes, we require a signed contract. The contract is signed for an indefinite period with the possibility of termination with 1 month’s notice.

What kind of advertising materials can you get from iTaxi?

In Warszawa, Wrocław, Poznań, Łódź, Tricity, Kraków, Rzeszów, Białystok, Lublin and in the GOP area you can receive from us: veneers, beacons, headrest covers, car fragrances and business cards.

What documents are needed to sign the contract?

The following documents are needed:
a) Driver’s ID,
b) vehicle registration card with the notation “TAXI”,
c) Driver’s ID card (for review),
d) driver’s license,
e) a license to perform domestic road transport of passengers by cab issued by the Office of the City concerned, together with an extract of the license for the vehicle,
f) taximeter legalization document,
g) current medical and psychotechnical examinations.

Do I need to implement cashless courses?

Courses (both cash and non-cash) with an add-on up to 4 km are mandatory. On the other hand, there is no obligation to accept orders with a customer’s additions above 4 km.

Is there any cost to the driver for operating the app?

The application charges between 300 MB and 2 GB of data transfer per month, and these are the only costs you incur.

What's the going rate at iTaxi?

The rates at which you drive in iTaxi depend on the city. iTaxi sets rates both based on their attractiveness to Drivers and competitiveness in the local market. As a rule, they are close to the maximum rates in a given city.

Does the driver need to have a card terminal?

Having a terminal is mandatory.

How much does it cost to make a license?

Depending on the City and the period for which the license is issued, the cost varies between PLN 200 and PLN 450.

Do we have zones, queues for orders?

There are permanent Parking Zones (airports, train stations) to which drivers have access under the subscription-percentage billing model. Temporary (event) zones are also created, access to which is available to sticker drivers.

What kind of phone do you need to have for the driver app to work properly?

The phone must have Android version min. 5.0, a minimum screen resolution of 320×480 and a diagonal of 3.2.

Is the application running in the background?

Yes, provided that the background work option is enabled in the phone’s settings.

Is it mandatory to wrap the car?

There is no obligation to do so, however we encourage everyone whose cars pass the verification process to do so. A sticker driver has greater priority in issuing orders, as well as access to additional benefits such as MultiSport, LuxMed, insurance, Mercedes rental at attractive prices.

How will the customer recognize that I am from iTaxi?

If you decide to work with us as:
– Wrapped driver you will receive a set of stickers with iTaxi logo to be placed on the back door and iTaxi lamp.
– Unstickered Driver you will receive a special “iTaxi Partner” sticker to be placed in a place visible to the Passenger.